About Us:

Our journey started with a simple question: how can we write in a way that motivates our customers and makes them trust us? It seemed challenging at first, but over time we realized that true value lies in sincerity, and that’s what we want to share with you.

"Our family" – that's how we refer to ourselves, because we are a family business where each person matters, and each of us puts our heart and effort into creating something special. Our team is small but very loyal. We work together with great passion, and each of us participates in daily tasks and building relationships with customers. Whether we are receiving goods, organizing them, or communicating with you – we always do it with joy.

We understand that many people may not yet be familiar with us and our offerings, but we have been in the market since 2010. The key to our success lies in our knowledge, positive outlook on life, and relationships with people. We are not a large furniture network, so we can’t afford expensive advertisements, but that doesn’t stop us from earning the trust of our customers, who appreciate what we do. We may be small, but we are truly passionate, and we love our buyers!

We truly appreciate each of our customers, because you give meaning to our work. Anyone who chooses us deserves nothing but the best, and we strive to provide that with every product and service. Thank you for being with us!

Our “Muses” team has been in the furniture market since 2002, when Finnish furniture networks introduced new interior possibilities in Latvia. It was a true "furniture renaissance," and we are grateful to the Finnish networks Asko and Sotka for all that we’ve learned. This experience continues to inspire and drive us forward.

Thank you for reading our story! We hope it inspires you to visit us and share your own story about your home!




Lasīt vairāk

Ienāc mūsu salonā VIA Jūrmala Outlet village

Jaunā Iela 12, Pinķi,
Mārupes novads, LV-2107

Ieejot, nogriezieties pa labi,
veikals atrodas labajā pusē.

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Nepieciešama palīdzība?

Ja Jums neizdevās atrast meklēto, vai nepieciešama individuāla palīdzība, labprāt sniegsim atbildes uz Jums interesējošiem jautājumiem!
