Produkta apraksts

Produkta ID: #1366

Ražotājs: Vācija mw


Clothes Hanger MAWA Silhouette/FU


Universal shaped hanger, profiled steel band, integrated bar with broad shoulder support, integrated skirt hooks, full non-slip coating, swivel hook, suitable for light top clothes - also multi-part

This product is suitable for:

  • top clothes
  • top clothes (41 cm)

MAWA clothes hangers has been manufactured from the most stringent ecological perspectives. Clothes hangers, which have the eco-friendly symbol do not contain either plasticiseres nor other harmful substances.

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  • +371 2 881 6184


  • Darba dienās: no 10:00 līdz 21:00

  • Sestdienās: no 10:00 līdz 21:00

  • Svētdienās: no 10:00 līdz 20:00